Friday, May 31, 2024

Well THIS is embarrassing...

 I was on track for the comic. I really was.

Then I left my iPad in the seat pocket on the airplane.

So... that means all the art for the latest trip was lost along with the iPad. The tablet is either gone, or will come back to me after it passes through the digestive system of the Frontier airlines lost-and-found system. God only knows how long that will take.

Since my work relies on having the tablet, I've ordered a new one, and will be able to recover the art from the cloud backup. Which is good, but it means the comic will be late. How late depends on how long it takes the new tablet to arrive, plus some time to do the finishing work on the comic.

I feel very, very stupid. Apologies to all.


janedotx said...

Eh stupid shit like that happens to everyone.

Jeremy said...

Aargh. My condolences.

Armok the Bunny said...

Oh RIP, that tablet is gone.