Monday, January 28, 2013

Progress Report -- 1/28/13

Oh yeah... the blog. Knew I was forgetting something.

Most of the time, writing involves a lot of effort, discipline, and fretting over sentences. But every so often you get a gift. Last month, I received the gift in the form of a bolt of inspiration one morning that, over the course of a few hours, turned itself into a complete outline for a new novel that I am very, very keen to write. So that was kind of an awesome Christmas present from muse country.

First things first, though. I needed to get a new draft of Dragon Waking knocked out to see if I could tempt an agent who was on the fence about the manuscript. Fortunately, the conferences, how-to books, and critique groups have been working, and I was able to spot what was wrong in the previous draft without too much difficulty. It was one of those "How could I have thought that was a good idea?" moments. Anyway, after some grinding and sanding I gook about 4500 words out as well as a useless point of view chapter, and I think it's in much better shape.

That done, I start this week on Three Shamans. The writing continues...