Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Comic 759 -- A Good Day's Work?

Hey, someone's crashing the party!

A visit from the in-laws can be so awkward. 

Hi everyone! Hope you're having a good summer...

Monday, July 1, 2019

Comic 758 -- Greatest of the Heavenly Host

Apologies for the slight delay here...

Angel on angel action!

Speaking of action, I'm curious to hear from you readers about what you like in an action scene... for comics, of course. I have my own favorite comics & artists, but I'd like to hear from others first.

My sensibility on action scenes in Thunderstruck is governed somewhat by my update schedule. There are sequences I'd have liked to show in more detail, but when you have to wait a month between pages, it seems unfair to readers to get super-granular with each move.

Which comics (web or traditional) do you think set the standard for action?