Sunday, April 30, 2023

Comic 801 -- What Do They Want With You?

 Sharon is not thrilled by Gail's news...

There are some things Gail is going to find difficult to explain in the upcoming pages.

This month, I'm visiting New Orleans. It's been a very long time since my first visit, but as readers of the comic might guess, the city made a deep impression on me. I'm curious to see what it's like so many years later... and if I meet a tall man wearing broken shackles, I expect I should just bow politely and walk on by.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Comic 800 - All Pretty Bad

Gail has a big report to give...

And this is the 800th installment! Holy crap.

Looking through the archives, it's clear that a lot of the old code on this site is outdated... and I must face the fact that I really could use an update. With 800 pages (plus extras), that feels like a kind of massive task. Still, it's probably about time.