Monday, May 13, 2013

Progress Report -- 5/13/13

I'm very pleased to announce that I've finalized my representation agreement with Jennifer Unter of the Unter Literary Agency. I have an agent again!

Together we have formulated a plan for the rewrite of Dragon Waking to position it for the middle grade market... and quite frankly, to make it a stronger book. Every change that I've been making feels right, either to make a scene stronger or to bring a character into sharper focus. I hope to go more into some of the specifics in later posts... I've been neglecting this blog because I've had no news to report, but now there are some very cool things happening.

The best part is simply that Ms. Unter is excited about the book, and really believes in it. After reams of rejection letters and polite "It's good, but not quite what I'm looking for" emails from editors and agents, it is an inexpressible relief to finally find an ally.

Other news: my wife Candi has started her own blog:
A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!

She's in the market for a new horse, and is cataloging all the bizarre twists and turns this search takes when you're looking via. rescues and such.

I had a terrific visit to North Carolina to see family that I had not seen in entirely too long. Some of them didn't actually exist the last time I was there. Now they do, and I'm very happy to have met them. I need to be a better uncle about keeping in touch.

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