Monday, July 1, 2019

Comic 758 -- Greatest of the Heavenly Host

Apologies for the slight delay here...

Angel on angel action!

Speaking of action, I'm curious to hear from you readers about what you like in an action scene... for comics, of course. I have my own favorite comics & artists, but I'd like to hear from others first.

My sensibility on action scenes in Thunderstruck is governed somewhat by my update schedule. There are sequences I'd have liked to show in more detail, but when you have to wait a month between pages, it seems unfair to readers to get super-granular with each move.

Which comics (web or traditional) do you think set the standard for action?


Orderic said...

Heh. Nobody expects the grandmother to suddenly pull out a gun.

As for the action scenes, for me personally, while it is nice to have some good and dynamic looking action, if it is going on for some time it needs some actual substance. Some dialogue can be nice, but seeing the thoughts of a character can be nice too. But as long as it is about more than simply the action itself, I'm good.
One of my favourite 'fight' scenes actually comes from the first volume of the Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman, where it is both a battle of wits and a battle of philosophy.

By the way, I never said this before, so I just wanted to thank you for continuing this webcomic. Before its rather long hiatus it was one of my favourite ones and it is now once again.

Deltarno said...

Holy gut shot Batman!
As for schedule and content, do whatever is easier for you, I'm just glad there are updates.