Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Comic 763 -- The Pilkvist Twins

Next step of the quest...

Hi everyone! It's 2020! Can't say I was a super fan of 2019, but maybe better luck this turn around the ol' sun, yes? We can all hope.


Jeremy Fletcher said...

I love Bella's nonplussed look.

Terranovan said...

Emilia's going to be having some very hard words for the Steel Angels. They acted on the presumption that the twins were safe, and then Bella killed Ingrid.
By the way, is the aging process on hold while the travelers are in the Exile World?
Also, is the "ball game" Bella's talking about a dream of an eternal baseball game, a match of the Mayan sport (the one where the loser's heart got sacrificed), or neither?

Grayson Towler said...

Hi Terranovan,

The ball game question will become clear soon enough...

As to the aging process, you're correct. For all the bodies in Bella's mausoleum, time is at a standstill (hinted at in this strip::::::::-

...when Danny & Maxwell Mah reunite, and also by the way that Naiah Riddle is so much younger than her twin, Allerick).

And yeah, Emilia & Ingrid got a raw deal. The Steel Angels try, but they haven't had the best track record against Bella.