Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Comic 769 -- Superstar Seven Macaw

I mean, were we expecting a team of all rookies to have an easy time of it?


Seven Macaw is just so darned fun to draw.

Strange times. You would think that being stuck at home a lot would make it easier to do more writing and drawing, but that hasn't been the case so much for me. I'm in the fortunate position to still have my job going full speed... in fact, seems like I'm busier than ever.

All this is to suggest that next month's strip may be a little on the short side, compared to what I like to do. We'll see how it goes.

I do try to move the story along to a fair degree with each installment. My publication pace requires readers to wait a month between strips, so I don't feel like I've got the right to linger over small moments like a more frequently-updating comic might be able to do.

Take care, everyone...

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