Monday, May 31, 2021

Comic 780 -- Recognition

 Gail figures out what she's up against a few seconds too late...

A split-second decision can have lasting consequences. Gail will find that out soon enough...

I don't do a ton of link sharing, but here's one I think my readers might enjoy:

Overly Sarcastic Productions

The producers of this YouTube channel love mythology as much as I do. With charming hand-drawn videos and excellent writing, the creators (Red & Blue) provide superbly summarized accounts of myths from around the world. Check it out!

Monday, May 3, 2021

Comic 779 -- Sakrament Abbey

 Sorry for the delay! Here's the new comic:

Bad luck and bad timing can undo even the best-laid plans, unfortunately. This was true of my scheduling this month... and for Gail, Sax, and Hayaka's plan to snatch Emilia from Vigil's secret hospital.


UPDATE: Whoops! I screwed up some links. Try again if you couldn't see the page before.