Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Comic 785 -- The Question of Reinforcements

 The team scrambles to deal with the unexpected attack of Krylov...

If it's not one thing, it's another. But hey, missions where nothing goes wrong always happen off-screen anyway.

I believe I'll still be able to post a comic in December, even though it is generally the most hectic of months. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving (if you live in an area where that holiday is celebrated, of course).


Deltarno said...

And it's gail off the high ropes! Oh lawdy she's got a knife!
As for our mysterious assistant, even odds on Jude with the steel chair. Of course, if he doesn't get Gail out of there fast there are going to be a whole lotta wings appearing real soon.

Terranovan said...

I don't see a steel chair, unless you count the frame between the foot and the speech bubbles in the third-to-last panel (and that's probably the gurney they used to carry Emilia out).

Terranovan said...

I'm guessing this is either Stella or Aaron.

Ketrus said...

Every panel with Gail in it is pure adrenaline. God, I love this comic.

Red said...

The facial reactions of the Steel Angels, plus that the mysterious character knows Emilia's name and they're going back to New Orleans, almost guarantees it's Jude. I don't think there's a known character that is free to act and knows the plan, and Emilia's identity, besides him.