Gail has a big report to give...
And this is the 800th installment! Holy crap.
Looking through the archives, it's clear that a lot of the old code on this site is outdated... and I must face the fact that I really could use an update. With 800 pages (plus extras), that feels like a kind of massive task. Still, it's probably about time.
Wait, I thought that vampires couldn't be seen in mirrors?
Maybe they just can't be seen as reflections.
Three options for the location of the last traveler:
1. Jude himself knows where.
2. Bertrand & Jinevra take Sharon to him/her.
3. We wait to find him/her until Gail & Jude meet back up with Bella, Steel Angels, Stevenson, & Hyde.
Uncomfortable revelations upcoming:
Gail finds out about Sharon's promise to Thor (striking Yahveh with Mjollnir).
Others outside Vigil find out about Stella's ambitions for Gail (healing Yahveh).
Saxony finds out what security Bella has on him (I hope it isn't Hayaka, because if she's been working for Bella all this time . . . Cue the country music breakup song).
Confrontation between Saxony & Jinevra.
Oddly enough, it was precisely 100 strips ago when we first saw that Jude can be seen through the mirror-phone trick that Sharon and Gail do:
Comic 700
It's not really the reflection Sharon is seeing... she's using the mirror to create a portal of sorts to Gail. The mirror effectively becomes a window.
I can neither confirm nor deny any of this speculation!
The rules for vampires don't apply to Judas.
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