Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Comic 802 -- Second and First

 Gail finally says it out loud...

So now, we reach a part of Thunderstruck I have been alternately looking forward to and dreading in roughly equal measure. I had actually hoped to put this off a little longer and tell Jude's story later in the chapter, but the sisters weren't having it. And thus, here we go.


Ketrus said...

I'm on pins and needles.

Deltarno said...

Woo, storytime! Time to find out how much we're changing from the source material.

Terranovan said...

I'm fairly certain that Gail is listening closely enough to the most infamous backstabber in history to activate her polygraph superpower. Will Jude forget and try to dissemble and/or prevaricate without thinking? He probably hasn't told this story in centuries.

Terranovan said...

Also, one detail that's been hinted at earlier is that one (and only one) other person in history has asked Jude what really happened in the Passion. Who it was, when, why, and how much of an answer he/she got are still mysteries.

Hans Lemurson said...

Story time! :)

Minivet said...

Oh man. I guessed when Jude demurred to Sharon in 201x that we'd never get his story, a mystery that would remain so. But pumped it's actually coming.