Thursday, August 31, 2023

Comic 805 -- Jude's Story, Part 3

Continuing our story from a bygone age...

I don't suppose all my shadowing will be able to disguise the identity of that figure in Panel 4 from long-term Thunderstruck readers. 

Keep going, Jude. It's a pretty strange story.


Terranovan said...

Wonder if/how Jesus being tempted in the wilderness intersects with this story? I'd guess that "going horribly right" means that some of Jesus' allies in the heavens lost their way and started serving themselves instead of the Almighty.

Deltarno said...

Jude has the expression of someone who has had two thousand years to think about everything that went wrong. Messing with powers nobody was prepared for, perhaps, and certainly putting their faith in the wrong allies.
Also wondering if we'll see J's other followers, since Jude has snarked about them before.

Gary Kleppe said...

JUDE: No longer would mankind have to spend its time brown-nosing a whole bunch of relatively minor deities. We had found a much better way.

SHARON: Really?

JUDE: Yes. From now on we would spend our time brown-nosing ONE MAJOR deity.