Sunday, December 31, 2023

Update -- New Year's Eve

Hello everyone,

I'm afraid I don't have a strip for Thunderstruck this month, not even filler. It seems I'm in the market for a new job. Sounds True, my former employer, initiated a round of layoffs at the close of 2023, and my position was eliminated.This came as something of a surprise, and certainly a disruption. After 20 years working for the same company, it's rather jarring to find oneself adrift. 

With the end of one phase of my life comes the beginning of another. While I don't know what that will look like, I have reasons to be optimistic. Rest assured I have no notions of abandoning Thunderstruck. I did need a month off, though.

2024 promises to be interesting, at least. I wish all of you the best in the coming year, and look forward to sharing more of Sharon and Gail's adventures with you in the months to come.



Yaron Kaplan said...

Wow, sorry for hearing that..
Did you work at True Communications?

Ketrus said...

My sympathies. Layoffs suck and holiday layoffs are just plain brutal. Thanks, as always, for all your hard work! Good luck, and may this year prove kinder than the last.

Grayson Towler said...

@Yaron Kaplan

The company I worked for was Sounds True, Inc. They're an independent publisher.

Gary Kleppe said...

Same thing happened to me last November. Must be a lot of it going around. I hope things work out for you as well as possible.