Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Updates (i.e., why there's no comic this month)

Hi everyone,

As I mentioned at the end of December 2023, I was laid off from my job of 20 years. This has caused some disruption of my life, to say the least.

Disruption can be a good thing. In this case, I think it is. After several miserable months of attempting to look for work in corporate America (long story short: It sucks. Hard.), in April I decided to say "To hell with it."

Candi and I are starting our own business. We're calling it Oblique Adventures.

I'm not going into many details right now, since there are a lot of things we need to settle on. The nature of the business, though, is that we're going to be a 3rd-party content creator for table-top role playing games (TTRPGs), most notably Dungeons & Dragons. 

It's very exciting. Very scary, too, but in a way much less horrifying than the prospect of going back into another corporate hellscape. I have not felt this eager and energized about work in a long, long time.

I'll be keeping you up to date as developments develop. 

This rather enormous lifestyle change has made April a dizzying whirlwind, which is why I didn't find the time and energy to finish the next strip. I have no intention of abandoning Thunderstruck... but I may need to ask for some slack here and there as we get Oblique Adventures up and running. 

 So... that's the big news! Wish us luck, and I look forward to sharing our work with you in the coming months.


Gary Kleppe said...

Good luck with the new venture! I play Hero System, not D&D, but if you make something I can use with that, I'll be there.

Deltarno said...

Best of luck, and when you get up and running you might want to consider a YouTube channel. Plenty of dnd channels there passing viewers back and forth.

Jeremy said...

Good luck!