Saturday, August 31, 2024

Comic 814 -- Jude's Story, Part 12

 Part 12? What a chatterbox that Jude is!

Still, it's a story that's been lurking around at the heart of Thunderstruck, waiting to be told. And now, I think it's about time for everyone else's stories to get moving again. 

Long-time readers might still have some questions, of course. I may have the answers ready to deploy when they become relevant, but I am always happy to hear your questions, observations, and thoughts in the comments.


Terranovan said...

I will prove you right about "Long-time readers..." by asking - is this a piece of Jesus's soul, or merely some of His power?

Deltarno said...

Daw, that's a nice touch. This raises the question of what would happen if someone else got a hold of them. When the foxy lady grabbed them, she thought it would control him, but if it doesn't have his soul, it shouldn't do squat.
That said, hopefully Gail's cool down hug helps calm Jude down. I've been worried about him going into a frenzy since I saw the header for this chapter.
Also, bouncing off of Terranovan, would Gail gain anything from meditating/praying with the coins? The older brother might give some tips.

Grayson Towler said...

Thank you! And all I can say is: answers forthcoming... some sooner, some later.

Atristain said...

Great Update! I almost cried...