Monday, April 7, 2014

Thunderstruck Publicity

So, you may have noticed I've got a banner for Top Web Comics on the Thunderstruck home page now. In case you want to vote, here's that link again...

The one aspect of doing a webcomic that I was always worst at was publicity. For reasons of both time and inclination, I never did manage to spread the word far and wide about Thunderstruck. 

Case and point, I didn't even know about Top Web Comics. Sheesh. 

So if you have any other ideas about publicizing a comic, please share them with me. Don't assume that I know about a given channel already, because it's very likely that I do not.

Still, I was pleased to discover that Thunderstruck has it's own page on! That was pretty exciting. Ah, immortality...


Anvildude said...

I think you underestimate just how impressive Thunderstruck is. I, for one, was more excited and happy than I've been for nearly anything else when I found (via the Tropes page) that your comic was going to be updating again.

Do you realize how many major webcomics have Thunderstruck up as an "I read this webcomic" link?

Unknown said...

Hey Grayson! Grats on getting onboard with TWC. I'll get ahold of some of my buds, spread the word and see if we can get your votes up. The latest page is great. MOre please.