Thursday, July 31, 2014

Comic 699 -- Mjolnir the Crusher

Action! Violence! Special effects! In the spirit of the summer blockbuster season, here we go...

This is the penultimate strip of the current chapter. One more installment with Sharon in the world of exiles, and then it's time to check in and see how Gail, Sax, and Hayaka are doing.

See you there...


Ketrus said...

Haha, wow! An exciting scene, and very well drawn. Despite the action, what I enjoy most about it is how Sharon refuses to follow the script Mjolnir so eagerly provided. It's nice to see she retains her independence, even when things are hectic.

As a sidenote, your paypal banner at the bottom of the comic doesn't seem to be working. I'll give it another shot in a few days; a page like this deserves at least a couple bucks in the tip jar!

Unknown said...

This page is extremely satisfying. I love it.

Anvildude said...

I'm... Not sure what I was expecting about the size of Mjolnir.

I mean, it's awesome that Thor was so huge, and of course his hammer would be sized to match. I was just half expecting it to re-size itself to Sharon's dimensions- though there's no reason I really should have, since that's not one of its acknowledged traits.

The huge monkey-grip is... odd, though, in looking at it. I mean, it generates lightning so Sharon's never going to have trouble lifting it, but how's she gonna transport it around? Sure she could call it to her, but the property damage involved...

Loving these updates, and I don't know if I've said this already, but I'm so very happy that you're updating Thunderstruck again, even at 1 page a month (and they're wonderful pages!) It's always sad to see a webcomic go on indefinite hiatus, but Thunderstruck especially has such a rich story and fantastic art style, it was like hearing Girl Genius was suddenly stopping.

Grayson Towler said...

Okay, the "Support the Comic" link should be operational now. Many thanks guys.

Oh, and we'll get a bit more about the rather inconvenient size of Mjolnir next strip...