Friday, June 1, 2018

Technical Difficulties

Well... crap. I've encountered some technical difficulties, and I'm also out of town right now. The update is going to be a bit late.

Check back next week on the 6th. I should have it done by then.


Charles said...

If you're able to keep to your intended schedule, how long do you think the comic will go on?

Grayson Towler said...

Oh, yeah... good question. At least five years, probably?

My outline leaves a lot of room for flexibility. For one, I don't have everything broken out page-by-page, so one planned scene arc take a single strip to complete, or it may take several.

More importantly, I keep refining ideas or getting new ones. The major themes and arc of the story are still more or less what I've intended all along, but I never want to close the door to inspiration just because I've got something outlined a certain way.

The result is that I know Thunderstruck reads pretty choppy, like a first draft. Most webcomics are first drafts, I think. Still, I hope it's worth staying with through to the end.