Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Comic 747 -- Hell Is for Children

Gail asked, the demons respond...


... and everything's going to Hell in all sorts of ways.

Hi everybody! Hope you're enjoying the comic.


Gary Kleppe said...

Enjoying it immensely and eagerly awaiting the next installment.

Jeremy said...

Nice use of the lyric. And... huh, Vigil continues with the creepy factor.

janedotx said...

Really enjoying the backstory you've created for Max and Danny.

Anvildude said...

Hey Jude.

So is it time to take a sad song, and make it better?

Deltarno said...

Love the spirits here, here's hoping gmail can work them out. Too bad the person that's warning them is the one person she wants to punch in the face. Spirit dogpile!