Friday, May 31, 2019

Comic 757 -- Armageddon Dreams

Just when you thought it was safe to go into an elevator...

Sometimes, there's a bit of a disconnect between the artist and writer parts of my psyche.

WRITER: Hey, let's set this dream duel in an apocalyptic landscape, with lots of dead angels and monsters and stuff as far as the eye can see!
ARTIST: (whimper.) So... I have to draw all that?

Still, it ultimately turned out to be a lot of fun.


Terranovan said...

Last we saw Agni Kakkar, he told Warwick and Krylov that he was going to cozy up to Stella. This could be his cozying up, or maybe he was . . . misleading Warwick and Krylov, while leaving himself room to choose either their side or Stella's.

Gary Kleppe said...

I am glad that writer you won that argument, but I think artist you should've used the opportunity to negotiate for a bigger share of the royalty checks.