Monday, March 1, 2021

Comic 777 -- Speaking Medically, Not Mythically

There's a chimera in Thunderstruck!

...but perhaps not in the way one might have expected.

Apropos of nothing, I always thought Bellerophon got way too much credit for defeating the chimera. It was Pegasus who did all the hard work. Perhaps the ancient Greeks agreed, since ol' Bellerophon went out like a punk in the end. 


Terranovan said...

"Robert Stevenson" - Because "Jekyll" or "Hyde" would've been too obvious.

Gary Kleppe said...

I like Saxony's self-doubt here. Moments like this really humanize a character.

Schismatism said...

So, I guess this means that he's been Hydeing in plain sight all along.

Terranovan said...

I thought the name "Stevenson" reminded me of a Vigil agent I saw once, but I couldn't find where. May just be a fake memory.

Grayson Towler said...


If I used the name before, I've forgotten about it too! It's entirely possible, though.