Thursday, September 30, 2021

Comic 783 -- Weighing the Odds

 Gail and Krylov face off...

Lone Wolf and Cub (Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima) is one of my favorite comic series. In the fifth volume, we find a classic story called "Half Mat, One Mat, a Fistful of Rice," in which our tortured hero finds himself facing off with swordsman of equal (or maybe even greater) skill. Through multiple pages, Lone Wolf visualizes how this duel will unfold... and each scenario ends in either a draw or his own death. It's a riveting piece of comic writing and art.

I've always wanted to do something like that. Since my pages come out only once a month, I could not justify trying the patience of my readers by dedicating page after page to this psychic duel, as was done in Lone Wolf and Cub. So here is my tiny homage, presented with great affection. I hope you enjoy it.


The Kings Raven said...

My guess. The thing she overlooked is that Gail doesn't need to win, just to escape.

However even that, I'm not sure how Gail can do it. They're evenly matched now. But if Krylov pops the wings she will far outmatch Gail on every measure.

I'm also not sure why Krylov is so keen to keep Gail alive; killing her will solve both her problems. No resurrection for God, and no harp.

Grayson Towler said...

@The Kings Raven

All answers will be revealed soon!

But I think I can address your first point here. Gail's situation is a bit more complex than just needing to escape. What she needs to do is buy time for Sax, Hayaka, and company to get clear.

She destroyed Krylov's cellphone to prevent Krylov from calling in reinforcements. If Krylov does get the chance to shout for help, Gail loses -- Vigil will mobilize in force, and neither Gail nor her friends are likely to escape. So she has to defeat Krylov (very tough) or keep her occupied for long enough that her friends to go to ground (also very tough).

This is all the sort of detail that I sometimes have a hard time spelling out in the strip without making the dreaded Wall of Text.

But your other points are firmly in my mind, and I hope you find the answers satisfying when they're revealed in the next few installments.

Terranovan said...

More speculation on possibilities for what Ms. Krylov's overlooked:
1. Gail has nothing to lose and might be more heavily invested in this fight. This one seems implausible.
2. Ms. Krylov has a broken glass window behind her that she might get cut on. This literally cuts both ways.
3. The roof is slippery. Also cuts both ways (but not literally this time).
4. Gail's in nurse's scrubs, relatively open and allowing her freedom to move; while Ms. Krylov is in a suit that might constrict her and slow down a sword strike.

Deltarno said...

Prepare for the greatest weapon in the young adventurer's arsenal; the football tackle!

rcav said...

Can Gail expell an angel similar to a demon??
Also Kyrlov has that old dude she was kicking it with as her reason for visiting the hospital. Maybe she has a personal reason to test Gail's ability to cure vampirism...

Charles said...

I think Kyrlov wants Gail alive in order to manipulate Stella. I figure the shards of glass are going to be crucial to what happens next, or the artist wouldn't have bothered to draw them.