Sunday, July 31, 2022

Comic 792 -- In the Ruins of Sakrament Abbey

 What a mess.

This brings us to the end of Chapter 16! This chapter contained some sequences I've been looking forward to for a long time--specifically, the ball game in Xibalba, and Gail's duel with another Vessel of Vigil.

I hope you enjoyed the ride. Next up is an interlude, starring Saxony and his troubled subconscious.


Terranovan said...

Troubled subconscious . . . I'm suspecting he needs to confront the revelation about Jinevra's collusion with Bertrand Brouchard. Maybe he might be able to access his link to her and ask her himself? And/or find out something about whatever protection Bella may have given him?

Terranovan said...

Just noticed -
Ms. Krylov said that "We were wrong. [Judas] wasn't destroyed after all" and then referred to him as "the last traitor". That seems to imply that 1, there were other traitors that he was in a group with, and 2, all of the rest of them were destroyed. If asked for details on that, Jude would probably say that the Gospels are severely incomplete. Could Jesus have been planning on turning Himself in to the Sanhedrin, BTW? It might have added a little extra power to his sacrifice.

janedotx said...

Have you read The Actual Star? It's a scifi book where humanity establishes a new society after the climate apocalypse with its guiding myths heavily based on Mayan mythology. The ball game shows up in it, too.

Grayson Towler said...

That sounds cool! I'll look into it. Thanks for the rec.