Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Comic 796 -- Connection

 There's regular dreams, and then...

... there are dreams with a purpose.

Hope all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving had a good holiday!

Monday, October 31, 2022

Comic 795 -- Saxony on Trial

 Sax's bad dream continues...

This one references a lot of older strips! I put a list of links on the comic page... though don't be surprised if it's not entirely comprehensive.

We are not just randomly dropping into one of Sax's troubled dreams, by the way (as fun as it is). There is an objective here. Stick around for the next strip, and you'll get a better idea of what this is all about.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Comic 794 -- I Swear I Saw a Saw

Sax continues to dream...

Sax really did let Bella get under his skin. 

You may notice I'm making a few renovations with the ol' blog. One thing I needed to do is to get rid of the old RSS feed on the comic page, since that thing wasn't working. The blog's RSS updates work, though, so that'll keep you up to date with every new comic.

I've also added a bit of art, and a few other odds and ends. I'm hoping to do a bit more with The Raptor Clause... I'll let you know as I get new features into place.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Comic 793 -- Our Main Attraction

 A new interlude begins...

Here's a chance to get a peek at Saxony's inner world. I think there's often quite a gulf between the way others see us and how we see ourselves. Also, there will be some plot developments. This isn't just any old dream...

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Comic 792 -- In the Ruins of Sakrament Abbey

 What a mess.

This brings us to the end of Chapter 16! This chapter contained some sequences I've been looking forward to for a long time--specifically, the ball game in Xibalba, and Gail's duel with another Vessel of Vigil.

I hope you enjoyed the ride. Next up is an interlude, starring Saxony and his troubled subconscious.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Comic 791 -- Jude Makes a Promise

If you can't trust Judas Iscariot, who can you trust?


Well, we're just about at chapter's end here. 

I've got a much-anticipated vacation set up for the first couple weeks of August. Not quite sure if I'm going to skip that month or post something comparatively short. We'll find out soon!

In other thoughts... I recently watched Turning Red, which was a fine Pixar film set in 2002. I figured that'snow the leading edge of nostalgia appeal. And that means Thunderstruck is close to becoming a nostalgia comic! Just about three more years to go. Good lord. 

Eh... I doubt it matters much. Comics are notably un-soundtracked, and without tunes from the time, nostalgia doesn't really work.


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Crotar -- My short story is in a new anthology

 Hi everyone! I've got a short story appearing in a new anthology...


The story in question is called "Crotar." It's a tale of the high seas, owing much to the brilliant writing of Patrick O'Brian, and also of giant monsters. Think Master and Commander meets Godzilla, and you're on the right track.

 I did an interview about the story, which you can read here (as well as interviews from other contributors).   


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Comic 790 -- Even If You Win, You Lose

 Gail has to face the hard truth...

... some fights just aren't worth winning. Like Sax says, Vigil always plays with a stacked deck.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Comic 789 -- Some Inconvenient Truths

 An observant kid, that Gail...

Just when you think you've got a handle on a fight, this sort of thing happens.

Time to for a movie recommendation! Everything Everywhere All at Once is one of the most brilliant, outrageous, hilarious, and moving films I've seen in a long, long time. It stars the ever-magnificent Michelle Yeoh, and it's worth seeing in a theater. Cheers!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Comic 788 -- Lame Duck Ploy

 The battle continues...

Kind of hard to score this fight. Gail's taken more hits, but the hits she's landed on Krylov have done heavier damage. Of course, Krylov has that "Instant Win" button she could press... but does she? Hmm.

Hope you're enjoying this action sequence. Or at least that the action makes sense on the page...

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Comic 787 -- Counting Cards

 On the road with the Steele Angels...

I think Sax might prefer to be Gandalf rather than Frodo in this gig. Lugging around the Big Temptation is strictly for the birds.

I won't bore you with the grisly details of the technical difficulties around this particular month's comic, so I'll only say that I am currently bereft of my iPad Pro... and boy, to I miss it.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Comic 786 -- Collarbone

 Gail comes in for a hard landing...

Who has the upper hand in this fight, anyway? Hard to say, but we know that Krylov is holding onto a trump card. 

Hope you are all doing well in the new year...